SMS appointment reminders for our daily appointments

SMS appointment reminders for our daily appointments

My missed dentist appointment

Last time I had a dentist appointment and off course I forgot to go, due to my busy daily schedule. I thought to myself would it be really that hard to send me a reminder a day before so I wouldn’t forget it?

I found there are many services that provide SMS appointment reminders, what is exactly what I would like to receive, so it is odd to me that in today’s time many service providers where the clients have to show up for an appointment, don’t offer any kind of appointment reminders.

I guess it is fine if you have the appointment next day or something like that, but I know that if I have an appointment in one month time there is a high chance of me forgetting about it. With our hectic daily schedules it is more and more difficult to remeber an appointment that is placed one month or even more in to the future.

And looking at the pricings I would say that even if they prevent only one no-show per month they would get the money for the service back. The service plans start from 29 $ per month which is basically nothing.

Reminders are not spam

And to be honest, this is not some kind of spamming thing, I actually like to be reminded of an appointment because in case I forget to go I have to book a new appointment which there is a high chance I will forget about it again 🙂

I than asked my dentist why they don’t provide such a service and he answered me that they don’t think it is necessary. He explained that they do have a certain amount of no-shows, but nothing critical in his eyes.

Old school businesses

I guess most of businesses that don’t provide appointment reminder services either don’t know that a service like that exists, they think it is too complicated or too expensive to use or they still think the old way, and are not looking for how to change their business to provide better services.

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