How to put Money in Bittrex or How to Move Bitcoin from CoinBase to Bittrex to buy other cryptocurrencies

How to put Money in Bittrex or How to Move Bitcoin from CoinBase to Bittrex to buy other cryptocurrencies

The video below covers how to transfer Bitcoin from your Coinbase wallet to Bittrex trading platform this is also the only way to deposit money to Bittrex without the need to confirm your ID which can take some time to clear.

If you don’t have a Coinbase account please read this article first Best way to buy Bitcoin it will explain how to deposit money to Coinbase first.

After you login to Bittrex, click on ‘Wallets” – top right side of the screen.

It will give you a list of coins:

etc. each coin has a + and – in front of it. Click the + to deposit money. Copy the deposit address. Wallets Wallets

Now go to your Coinbase Send/Receive paste your hash address, select amount, your BTC wallet and press send funds.

Send Coinbase
Send Coinbase

Couldn’t be easier.

You can use my Coinbase invite to get each of us a 10$ bonus after you buy for 100$ of coins on their platform. You don’t need to use my link but you will get a 10$ bonus so why not use the link 🙂

Coinbase invite >>

What is Bittrex?

Built and operated in the United States, Bittrex is the next generation crypto trading platform created by security professionals. We are crypto-coin enthusiasts bringing more than 50 years of combined security and development experience to the trading community from companies, including Microsoft, Amazon, Qualys, and BlackBerry.

Given the recent security breaches and reliability issues experienced by other markets, we felt the community deserved better. If virtual currencies are to truly take off, trustworthy infrastructure is a prerequisite.

At Bittrex, our mission is to deliver the fastest and most secure trading platform available.

What is Coinbase?

Coinbase is a secure online platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing digital currency. Our mission is to create an open financial system for the world and to be the leading global brand for helping people convert digital currency into and out of their local currency.

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